I hope to get away with this because the woman in the picture, Nicky Samuel, is surely in her sixties now.
Nicky Samuel was the wife of Nigel Waymouth, who owned Granny Takes A Trip, probably the grooviest boutique on the King's Road. She was Ossie Clark's best customer, and modeled his clothes. The above picture, taken after Ossie's show at her house at 28 Mallord Street in Chelsea (built for the painter Augustus John, and used as his studio), gives a sense of her irrepressible high spirits. The early seventies were sexy, and Nicky was glowing with it this night.
I can't find any information about her. I know she modeled, and this amazing picture of her in another incredible Celia Birtwell print (shot by Norman Parkinson), appeared in the December 1972 Vogue (British edition):

Both these pics were taken from Judith Watt, Ossie Clark 1965–74, London: V&A Publications, 2003.
I'll give you some boobies.
No, Mr. Poe. No, you will not.
I already did. That whiplash? That was me.
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